Biology Study Program and HAkA Foundation Hold Global Forest Watch Training

[Banda Aceh]. The Biology Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh held a Workshop & Training on Introduction to Global Forest Watch (GFW) at the ICT Building of UIN Ar-Raniry (Thursday, 06/10/2022).

This activity was held in collaboration with the Aceh Forest, Nature and Environment Foundation (HAkA), as a local NGO engaged in environmental diving in Aceh Province. This GFW training raised the theme "Utilization of Global Forest Watch for Monitoring and Supervision of Forest Conditions" which can be accessed online via The participants of the activity numbered approximately 40 participants consisting of Lecturers, Staff, Alumni and Students across related Study Programs, namely from the Biology Study Program, Environmental Engineering Study Program, and Biology Education Study Program at the UIN Ar-Raniry campus environment.

In his speech, the Head of the Biology Study Program, Mr. Muslich Hidayat, M.Si, said that this activity is very useful for students, alumni and also for lecturers to support research data in the field that can be used as a reference or reference related to mapping and forest change conditions. He also left a message for the HAKA Foundation so that it can continue to carry out cooperation in the future.

This event was opened by the Deputy Dean I for Academic and Institutional Affairs of the Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Ar-Raniry, Dr. Yusran, M.Pd. On this occasion, he said that events like this are very important to do because we as good Caliphs care for and maintain forests and water. If the forest is damaged, then the water will be increasingly lacking and the water discharge will be smaller and there will be different weather changes from year to year. So through the Global Forest Watch training, students and academics can find out the conditions of forest changes that affect environmental conditions. He asked to always hold useful activities like this.

The resource person for this activity came from the Aceh Forest, Nature, and Environment Foundation (HAkA) Lukmanul Hakim (GIS Manager HAkA) and assisted by Alfarzi Kamal and Aljikri Yanto (GIS Assistant HAkA) who provided material related to the introduction and use of the Global Forest Watch (GFW) application. Lukmanul Hakim in his presentation said that they had introduced GFW at the government agency level (Environmental Service, BBTNGL, BKSDA, KPH), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the police, and campus academics in Aceh including UIN Ar-Raniry itself.

This training discussed how to use the Global Forest Watch (GFW) application, the features in GFW and their uses, such as forest changes in the form of deforestation rate warnings and forest fire warnings, land cover, land use such as logging/mining/plantation concessions, climate conditions, and biodiversity conditions.

In this case, the speaker also said that "through this application we can find out the condition of forest damage in certain forest zones, such as conservation forests, protected forests, and production forests. If the appearance of forest damage occurs in protected and conservation forest zones, then this will cause problems that will eventually cause environmental damage. The rate of forest change is updated from year to year, so we can find out about forest changes in certain areas through Global Forest Watch satellite imagery," he said.

This activity was closed with a quiz in the form of knowledge about Global Forest Watch (GFW) by the resource person, and prizes were given to the winners from the HAkA Foundation.



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